If you are a site owner or a blogger, your goal is to attract visitors. But why should you care about stuff like speed? As the technology evolves, people become extremely impatient and got used to instant page loading. You should be concerned about the content in the first place and leave the speed fight to someone else. That’s where CDN steps into the game.
CDN77.com is a CDN provider that is fair, flexible and still maintains high-quality service.
What is CDN?
CDN stands for Content Delivery Network, which is a distributed network of servers in data centers all around the world. These servers contain copies of your site’s data (such as pictures, videos, software etc.) so that when a visitor accesses your site, the data loads from the closest server. That rapidly boosts the speed.
Why is CDN important for your site?
It’s already been mentioned that speed plays a crucial role in maintaining visitors’ attention. Users can’t and won’t tolerate latency and once the visitor leaves, he’s probably left forever. Therefore instant loading is a must.
It’s also important for your SEO as Google and most other search engines consider page load time when evaluating site’s relevance.
CDN offloads the traffic served from your own web hosting too, which results in significant savings and prevents performance drops.
CDN77 is also securing your site by implementing Let’s Encrypt technology as the first CDN provider, getting an instant SSL certificate became ridiculously easy. All you have to do is make a request in your control panel and everything else will be taken care of.
Main features of CDN77
Now to sum up the most important features and what they mean to you:
- Control Panel – it’s the place where you manage and monitor your traffic and bandwidth It can also help you make marketing decisions.
- HTTP/2 – HTTP/2 is binary, while the older HTTP/1.x is textual. It also minimizes the number of requests and wraps them into one TCP connection.
- Instant SSL – Free HTTPS in a couple of seconds. Automatically added and assigned into your account. Absolutely no effort from your side.
- Massive coverage – CDN77’s 31 data centers speak for themselves. See yourself in the picture.
All said above surely is important but so is price. CDN77’s fundamental difference amongst other providers is the transparency of pricing. Their policy is pay-as-you-go, which means you only pay for what you really use, no commitments, no credit cards required, no minimum monthly usage.
The price starts at $0.049 per GB of traffic for USA & EU and $0.125/GB for Asia & Australia and declines as the demanded traffic grows. Basically the more traffic you have, the lower price rate you enjoy.
We believe that CDN is a vital thing for your site. It’s important to keep the pace with the progress and not to stay behind. CDN77.com is an excellent provider for businesses of most sizes. Whether you are a newcomer or an established site and looking for a reliable and helpful provider with a very friendly pricing model, CDN77.com is a perfect choice. You can give it a try with a free 14-day trial.