SEO Mistakes That You Have No Excuse To Make!

SEO Mistakes That You Have No Excuse To Make!

Business persons have had to deal with a lot over the past couple of decades. Not only have they had to continue to try and make buckets of cash, but they have also had to deal with advances in technology. New technology permeates every facet of the world, but it hits business the hardest. Businesses around the world have had to adapt and acclimatize to technology because it has become one of the most important tools in the battle for success.

SEO Mistakes That You Have No Excuse To Make!                                                                        Image Credit flickr

Take SEO as an example. Ten years ago, SEO didn’t exist. And if it did, there were probably only a handful of people who knew its meaning. Hardly anyone implemented an SEO strategy at the start of the twenty-first century. Now, in 2015, there is no excuse. You cannot afford to make mistakes because you just fall further behind.

Broken Links

Links are important because they create a reputation for your website. If you use links properly and get backlinks from other sources, it will propel you further up the search engine’s ranking. One thing that annoys search engines as much as users of websites is broken links. Straight away you lose credibility because you cannot provide a useful and relevant link. There is no excuse because you should check the link beforehand and then take the time to maintain links. If they break down, swap them for another one. It is that easy.

Poor Use Of Keywords

Using keywords poorly manifests itself in two ways. Firstly, never stuff keywords into your copy because it doesn’t look organic. Search engines are much more perceptive than you think. They search for elements such as keyword stuffing and penalise you as a result. Your copy has to be well written. Otherwise, how can a search engine like Google justify ranking it on the first page of their results page? Secondly, there is the wrong use of keywords. Make sure you implement keywords that the consumers will use when they search. You will never increase your ranking if consumers are not searching for your products.

Copying Other Website’s Copy

For starters, it is illegal because it goes against the copyright laws. However, from an SEO point of view search engines take a very strict view of plagiarism. In fact, they could de-index the whole site if they find you have lifted copy from other sites. SEO is all about creating engaging and original content. Forget to do that and you will have the Internet authorities knocking on your door! It is shameful because it is lazy as well as dishonest.

Illogical Navigation

The job is not over once you get people to your site. You have to convince them to stay, buy your services and come back again. At Afrodigit, they believe that this is one of the main mistakes that businesses make because they think the rest is out of their control. In fact, you can persuade users to take the next step by making life easier. This site will show you a lot more about SEO and how navigation has to be simple to be successful.

When you over-complicate your site, you are trying to do too much too soon.