Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is one of the many phrases you might hear about when you start an online business. And, although it is currently very much ‘on-trend’, it is something that you should pay close attention to. In this guide, we’re going to take you through what it is, how it can help, and where you can find some great resources to find out more. Ready? Then let’s start converting.
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What Is It?
Conversion rate optimization is a process that you can use to improve your website’s performance. To put it simply, CRO looks at your online business from a customer’s perspective and makes it as easy as possible for them to become a customer. Whether that means buying something, signing up for an email list, or just spending time reading what you have to say is entirely up to you.
Why Is It Important?
You could have the perfect product the world has ever seen. And, you could also have access to Google’s top SEO minds so that you are on page one of the search engines for every keyword going. But, if your website is a mess, and your visitors can’t find what they need, you still aren’t going to make any sales. As crude as that description is, it is important to understand that CRO is all about sealing the deal. It’s getting people down the sales funnel as fast as possible – and doing online business in the most customer-friendly way.
How Does It Work?
As we have mentioned, CRO is all about making the process of making it easy for your visitors to buy something. But, how do you go about it? First of all, it’s time to see things from your visitor’s perspective – not yours. The way to do this is to test every last facet of your website, either through split or multivariate testing. Now, to give you a simple example, you might like having a blue call to action button that takes your visitors to your checkout page. But, if you find out through testing that more people respond to a green button, then it makes sense to change things up a little.
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It’s important to understand that testing could find a difference in any given part of your website. It could be a header title or a product description. It could even be the words or images you use on your home page. Everything can be tested to make incremental gains. And, the overall effect can bring a major improvement in your site’s performance.
Where Do I Find Out More?
There is a lot of info out there on the web – and on this blog. However, it’s fair to say that there is a lot to learn, and you may not have that kind of time. So, you could seek out conversion optimization services to give you a nudge in the right direction. They will go through your online business with you and make those adjustments to get things right. It’s worth watching them and learning what they do, as it will give you an insight in how to improve things further on down the line.
So, there you have it – a bluffer’s guide to conversion rate optimization. We hope this has given you a grounding in the subject, and that you realise its importance. CRO is worthy of a prominent position in any marketing plan, so make sure you address it on your website.