How Valuable Are Consumer Reviews

How Valuable Are Consumer Reviews

The Review of Reviews

Anyone that has worked costumer service knows that people rarely call in just to say they are happy with a product or service. It might surprise some people, then, that the majority of consumer reviews are positive yet approximately 75 percent of the reviews posted on on-line review websites are positive. An even more surprising statistic may be that 95 percent of consumers that posted a negative review said that if the problem was resolved quickly and efficiently they would have no problem coming back. What can a business learn from these two statistics? One thing is that people seem willing to share positive experiences with others when they have them and so businesses should provide a venue for their customers to do so. Another important thing that can be learned is that a negative review does not have to be seen as a bad thing. If someone has had a negative experience and then took the time to write about it, this probably means that they are seeking a way to resolve it and once it is resolved will likely be just as proactive in their support of the company. These two reasons probably aren’t the only reasons that make consumer reviews are so valuable but they definitely should be considered by every business owner.

consumer reviews

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