In this part we are going to explain you the two most basic part of Google SEO.
1. Create unique page titles
2. Add descriptive meta tags
These two are the major things which Google consider first to rank your page higher in their search engine. To drive the most of the traffic, these two should be practiced properly. First thing seen by the visitor are the page title and the descriptive meta tag. Let’s make it clear for you by discussing both the parameters in detail.
Unique Page titles with accurate Information
1. Place title in title tags
Title tag is the first thing which is seen by the search engine and the user. If your page is at the first page of search engine then the first thing which will be seen is title tag. You must place your title tag under the head tag of the HTML document. And, for sure you must have unique page title for each post.
<html> <head> <title>Google SEO Basics</title> </head> </html>
2. Page titles are displayed first in the search results
If your page appears at the first page of the search engine results then your page title will appear first in the users search in the bold letters. You must select the unique page title for your page so when the users are searching for something so that they can visit your page. And, the title will be appearing in the bold letters at the first line, so that user can recognize about the page whether it’s relevant to their search or not.
Title of your page can include your website name and some other important information about your page. So that user can think that your page is the one they are looking for.
Best Practices
1. Describe page content relevant to your post
Select a title which completely describes about your post. You must avoid the irrelevant title that doesn’t have any relation with your page content and using vague or default title like “Untitled”.
2. Select unique page title
You must select the unique page title so that Google can differentiate your page from other page who has written on the same topic. You must avoid using a single title tag across all your pages.
3. Use short but descriptive title
You should make your title short but it should have complete information. If your page title is too long then Google will be showing the some part of your page title.
Title display in Search Engines is limited to 70 characters
You must avoid using lengthy titles as it will be unhelpful to the users and do not place keywords which do not have relevance with your page content.
How to Use Description Meta Tags
Description Meta tag is the short description which gives the fair idea to the Google and the users about the content of your page. Page title’s are just few words and meta description are just one or two lines but there are some tools which can help you to find out whether your meta tag is duplicate of another tag or not. Similarly like title tag meta tag is also placed under the head tag of the HTML document.
Why meta tags?
Descriptive meta tags are the useful part of your page content so that Google can show the meta tags to the user as a snippet. Sometimes Google shows the important point of your content in the search engine results depending upon the user’s query. Defining meta tags is the best practice because of
Google doesn’t find any important points in your content then they will be going your meta tag as your snippet.
Whenever the user is typing any keyword then that word will be bolded in the snippet of your page display. So, you must place the keyword once in your meta tag so that user will get a clue about your page. Whenever the words are bolded in the snippet user get a fair idea about the page content.
Best Practices
1. Summarize the content
You must write the short paragraph about your page content in your meta tag so that user can get a fair idea about your page by reading the snippet. You must avoid the meta tags which has no relation with your page content, don’t use generic descriptions like “This page is all about”, don’t just fill the meta tags with keywords, don’t copy and paste the entire paragraph of your content to the meta tag.
2. Must have unique description
You must have unique and different meta tags in order to help Google and the users to find the page in your domain. Suppose, your website have thousands of pages then adding meta tags manually is not possible then you can add the meta tags automatically that defines your page content. You must avoid using the single meta tag throughout all of your website’s pages or over a large group of pages.